Laster Arrangementer



Bb Scene / J.T’s Django Session #2

04 feb. kl 21:30 - kl 23:30

grafisk bilde av JTs Django Session


Brødrene Bergh

Karl Johans gate 35, 0162 Oslo

04 feb. kl 21:30 - kl 23:30

JT’s Django Session #2: Svein Erik Martinsen – Guitar/Vocals, Johan Tobias Bergstrøm – Guitar, Håkon Huldt-Nystrøm – Bass

Johan Tobias Bergstrøm has made a name for himself as guitarist and musician in Norway, and is responsible for extended tours and concert series with the band Touché Monet. He has featured as composer and musician on 4 albums released on the honorable record label Hot Club Records. Bergstrøm is also a member of one of the most active jazz groups in Oslo, Simple Jonny’s Easy Jazzband, who has played over 300 concerts since its inception in 2017. At Brødrene Bergh, Johan Tobias Bergstrøm has put together his second trio for the season with guitarist and singer Svein Erik Martinsen and bassist Håkon Huldt-Nystrøm, who both are great jazz players. In addition to traditional jazz and Django Reinhardt-music, the concert will also feature some musical inspiration from the Middle East.

Konserten er helt GRATIS, bare bli med! Kl. 21:30 – til sent.

Om konseptet Bb Scene:
På Bb Scene ønsker vi å tilgjengeliggjøre live Jazzmusikk som folk flest gledes av. Vi plukker musikere fra den norske Jazz diasporan og lar de fremføre det de brenner for. I et lokale der musikk, dans og drikk møtes og skaper et, for oslo, unikt atmosfære.

På Bb Scene skaper vi et rom der Django Reinhardt, Jelly Roll Morton, Fats Waller og Louie Armstrong hade gledet seg til å opptre, en av de beste plassene til å oppleve jazz i Oslo!

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